Tuesday, March 13, 2012

a look at the water crisis in the Sub Sahara

It is unseasonably warm here on in the mid-Atlantic. Today,  March 13th, is usually still rather chilly and cool and yet it was 82 F. The heat of today got me thinking...
Our kids come in from enjoying the afternoon, all stinky, sweaty and thirsty. They ask for water.
What if we couldn't give them any because we didn't have it?

I got this photo from Catholic Relief Services. It was taken in Kenya.
Look at it closely. You could say that not only is it dry there, it is bone dry.
Here's what has been happening:
Rains that usually fall from October to December failed to appear in late 2010 in parts of Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. To compound the shortfall, in 2011, spring rains were erratic and deficient. As a result, many areas missed two growing seasons. Food and fodder are running short, and rising prices mean few can afford to buy any food from more fertile areas.
My sponsor child, who's name is Bahati, lives in Kenya in an area called East Meru. He recently told me in a letter that they have had no rain for 2 rainy seasons and their animals are dying. He also said many friends are leaving the homes in which they have lived all of their lives. They are seeking better luck with water and food in Kenya's crowded capital city, Nairobi. My hope and prayer is that Bahati, his 6 siblings and his parents do not have to leave their home to survive.
So tonight, when you toss your sweet, dirt covered baby into the tub or you leave your tap running to warm it up for your toothbrush, please think of this picture. Think of the millions and millions of people in the world who will not have that same luxury and, please, say a prayer for them, maybe even 2....

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